Sustainable Swap Challenge #2: Reusable Produce Bags

Hey there friends,

We are in the second week of the Sustainable Swap Challenge! If you are just joining us, last week's swap was REUSABLE BAGS. You can check out on the blog previous to this entry.

Now on to SWAP #2: Reusable Produce Bags. 🍎🥦🍋

Do you know those bags in the produce section of the grocery store made with that super thin and filmy-feeling plastic? Yeah, reusable produce bags are to replace those pesky little things!

Bringing your own reusable produce bags is a natural next step after mastering bringing your reusable bags because it's fairly simple to just bring them along with your other bags when you go to the grocery store.

Don't have reusable produce bags?

Here are some suggested products: (items marked with an asterisk* are affiliate links to conscious life & style)

🌿 Set of 9 Reusable Organic Cotton Produce Bags* | EcoRoots

🌿 Single Zero Waste Produce Bag*| EcoRoots

🌿 Organic Cotton Mesh Produce Bag*| EarthHero (Use code CONSCIOUSSTYLE for 10% off)

🌿 Set of 4 Reusable Produce Bags* | EarthHero (Use code CONSCIOUSSTYLE for 10% off)

If you are crafty, you can always sew your own reusable produce bags….that’s my plan.

To remember your reusable produce bag, I suggest keeping them with (maybe inside if they fit) your reusable bags!

I hope you found the above resources and tips helpful! If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear 'em—just leave a comment. It's a real person over here on the other side of this blog entry. Until next week. Happy swapping!

*Just giving credit to Elizabeth over at conscious life & style, the sustainable swap challenge is her concept, along with most of the wordage in this blog entry, I’m just adding my two cents and trying to further this challenge.